Saturday, December 10, 2005

Pray - LANCASHIRE County - Prayer Requests


At 9:16 PM, Blogger Pray 4 the U.K. said...


Manchester is part in Lancashire, part Cheshire historically. Liverpool and Manchester have a bitter rivalry in sport, business, media, transportation (Manchester has giant major airport which displaced Liverpool docks as
main contact with USA) rival political capital of North-West. Widnes, Salford, Preston, Lancaster, Blackpool, Bury, Bolton, Oldham, ochdale, Blackburn,Burnley are all in historic Lancashire.

Liverpool is known for the Beatles, for its football and for transporting millions of emigrants to America. Liverpool is a place of great diversity.

Liverpool is a special place known throughout the world. Its history has been full of bloodshed and death. From being one of the major ports which was used for the slave trade, support of the Confederates in the American Civil War, the potato famine, its maritime history, the World Wars and more recently the riots of the 80’s, the Heysall and Hillsborough disasters. It has known bitter religious divisions between the Catholic and Protestant communities.

Please pray for:

· For the Church to continue to press in through the birthing process of the new move of God Philippians 3:13-14. Increase of sight and understanding.

That the voice of the Lord will not be confused or silenced.

We will be carriers of peace, healing and reconciliation. A release of
God's authority and the power of the Gospel into the streets, the nation and the nations. The Church will be impacted by the dimension of heaven in such a way that we become the gateway for heaven on earth. We will be the Bride of Christ - a people who put a smile on God's face!

· According to 1 Timothy 2:1-4 The appointment of the new Liverpool
City Council Chief Executive and for the establishing of the new Council
Leader Councillor Warren Bradley.

· For the 800th birthday celebrations

For the Capital of Culture Team as they prepare for the European
Capital of Culture in 2008.

· For God to move in the midst of the teen gangs and drug networks.
Breaking the power of the spirits of addiction, violence and death.

Dismantling of cults and false spiritual movements. Overcoming through

· For breakthroughs for those still living in poverty and hopelessness.

· That Jerry Springer The Opera will not come to Liverpool and
Manchester. That God will be glorified in all the action being taken by those against this production but for Jesus.

Women here suffer from illness, mental health problems and fertility problems. (Merseyside and Cheshire have very high infertility rates).


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